Project 52: Week 13

One of the best things about a long term challenge (photography - or any kind really) is that it forces you to pay attention to things that you normally wouldn't. 

Anyone that's bee to the Toronto City Hall building has surely noticed that giant mural near the main entrance. I'ts not exactly conspicuous. It's striking and monumental, due to the sheer amount of nails that i's made of (lots).

So while at City Hall on Saturday waiting for the Toronto Pillowfight to start, I took shelter from the wretched Lake Ontario wind and snapped this pic. My personal philosophy with public works of art, whenever I'm photographing them, is to give proper credit when available. Today I learned that the mural is the work of British born sculptor David Partridge, and it's called Metropolisand happy that I know a piece of Toronto trivia that had never bothered to learn in my 13 years here, thanks to this project.